Thursday, April 29, 2010

Swiss chard

Here is my fav recipe for Swiss Chard:
Coat the bottom of the pan with olive oil, add some crushed garlic, and then for simple dish add the Swiss chard. While the Swiss chard is cooking make sure to add salt and pepper. Ready in 5 mins and delicious!!

for some other ideas try adding mushrooms, bacon, or pancetta...even a little heat with crushed red peppers! High in iron and good that's what i like!!!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Alrighty, here is the challenge for this week: Swiss Chard! Let me know of all the fun and interesting ideas with swiss chard!
Challenge ends Saturday at midnight! Post what you have and share many ideas!
Food addict!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


I love walking around local farmer's markets, I feel like walking around art show. I look at the delicate leafs of chard and think what can I create next. I smell the onions, tomatoes, oranges, and apples, thinking what palette will I use. I am different from most. I don't walk around the market just to pick up some healthy items, I look to create. Create, I love the sound of that. Every week I walk in with anticipation. Thinking what new vegetable or fruit will I find. The biggest treat is walking thought the farmer's market in San Francisco Pier building. It is the mecca of all ideas.

I know there are people out there like me, so here is the challenge. Every week, a person picks out a vegetable or fruit, easily found but interesting, and by the end of the week each person who decides to participate posts their idea, recipe, and picture. Even a failure because we might be able to fix it. There is no prize just a sharing of ideas. We came make it a theme week or anything special. Join me on this journey and lets see what creative ideas we can make!